Product: CF 7 BugHunt User: Anonymous
[Switch Product] CFUG: None

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Since the release of ColdFusion 5 in 2001, TeraTech, Inc. has provided as a public forum for the ColdFusion community to report and track bugs in released product versions.

Why CFBugHunt?

Adobe and its predecessor Macromedia have always hosted a great "public" bug list during the beta cycles for each release. was founded to fill the need for a public list that continues after the product is released.

Have you ever spent hours trying to make your code work, only to find out that there was a bug in the underlying server program? A public bug list can save you time and headaches, by giving you a place to check for similar problems reported by others.

CFBugHunt also provides a lasting historical reference to issues with past releases of ColdFusion. Many organizations continue to run older versions of ColdFusion for several years until they’re ready to upgrade.

Are you ready for CF 8?

Visit our Scorpio information page for all the latest news about the upcoming release of ColdFusion 8 (aka Scorpio).

Once CF 8 is officially released, we invite you to use our CF 8 bug reports to:

  • report any bugs you find to the CF Community
  • search for bugs that others have reported
  • confirm or validate suspected buggy behavior
  • add comments, solutions, workarounds and additional information to bugs already reported

Please note: These bugs are not reported to Adobe, and Adobe is not responsible for this site. (However, members of the Adobe development team have been known to peruse this list.)

Bug reports are provided as a convenience for members of the ColdFusion community.

Join the CF Bug Hunt Competition!

CF User Groups are competing to report bugs! The CFUG that reports the most confirmed bugs wins a prize for its members. The result is a public bug list - both the fixed and the unfixed - a valuable resource for the entire CF community.


CF7 Resources   [Switch Product]

Get your free eval copy of CFMX 7 at

Brought to you by TeraTech is provided and maintained as a public service by TeraTech, Inc., an established leader in the ColdFusion community since 1998. In addition to application development, consulting and training, TeraTech has run the annual CFUnited technical conference for developers since 1999, the Maryland ColdFusion Users Group (MDCFUG) since 1998, and the Fusebox framework since 2006.

TeraTech, whose clients include large and small businesses, transit authorities, government and non-profit agencies, has been named Best ColdFusion Consulting Company 5 years in a row by readers of ColdFusion Developers Journal.